Entries by logomlw

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Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks will be launched today

The much-awaited book Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks will be launched today in Lilongwe by Logos Open Culture in conjunction with the Embassy of Switzerland to Malawi. [The book is] the untold story of a woman who shaped Malawi’s history. Rose Chibambo, whose original name ‘Lomathinda’ means ‘snatched from the grave,’ embodies the odds she defied. From […]

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Coverage of forthcoming book Lomathinda – Rose Chibambo Speaks

The eagerly awaited forthcoming publication of Logos Open Culture was covered in the Malawian media this week. Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks is the first book to chronicle the life of female freedom fighter and independence leader Chibambo, in her own words. According to The Nation, This Monday, December 16, will be a special day in Malawi […]

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Logos Open Culture at Feminart Arts and Book Festival 2019 this weekend

Logos Open Culture will be at the first Feminart Arts and Book Festival 2019 in Lilongwe this weekend. Feminart has been set up to celebrate ‘feminism’ and ‘femininity’, according to the festival organisers The Story Club. It’s happening this weekend on 23-24 November around Lilongwe. Venues for Feminart include Crossroads Hotel, Madsoc Theatre and the […]

The woman on the 200 Kwacha note tells her story in Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The woman on the 200 Kwacha note tells her story in Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks Lilongwe, Malawi (20 November 2019) – Rose Chibambo changed the course of Malawi’s history. In the forthcoming publication, Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks published by Logos Open Culture in December 2019, Chibambo shares her life story, from surviving a […]

Timwa Lipenga in conversation with The Nation on forthcoming book ‘Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks’

Author Timwa Lipenga discussed the forthcoming Logos Open Culture publication Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks with The Nation‘s Arts Editor Edith Gondwe last week. In the interview with The Nation, Lipenga explains why she decided to interview Rose Chibambo, I read around several women, but felt drawn towards Mrs Rose Chibambo because although I had studied Malawian history, her name […]

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‘Malawi, A Place Apart’ reviewed in The Society of Malawi Journal

  Our first book publication, Malawi, A Place Apart by Asbjørn Eidhammer has been reviewed in the latest edition of The Society of Malawi Journal (Vol. 72, 2). The review, penned by the Malawian notable scholar David S. Bone. It calls the book “well researched and is extremely readable”. “Furthermore,” says the review, “it enables […]

Lerato Honde on her art and the legacy of Rose Chibambo

Malawian artist Lerato Honde speaks about freeing Rose Chibambo from the 200 Kwacha banknote. Honde is the artist behind the cover of forthcoming publication from Logos Open Culture, Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks. During the process to create a cover befitting Chibambo’s legacy, Honde was artist-in-residence with Logos Open Culture. In the film about her time as artist-in-residence, […]

Book in production on Malawian resistance leader Rose Chibambo

Production is underway at Logos Open Culture for a groundbreaking work on Malawi’s celebrated Rose Chibambo. The book is anticipated for launch in late 2019. In Lomathinda: Rose Chibambo Speaks, Malawian scholar Timwa Lipenga takes the reader on her journey in conversation with Chibambo. Chibambo started and led the women’s independence movement against imperial Britain. She forged a path […]

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Logos Open Culture at the 24th ESARBICA General Conference 2017

    Led by their director Dr Paul Lihoma, the National Archives of Malawi has just finished hosting the 24th Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA) General Conference at the Bingu Wa Mutharika International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe which run from the 7th – 11th August 2017.  As key partners of The National Archives […]