Entries by logomlw

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‘Subaltern Speakers’ Ozhopé Collective Art Exhibition opening at The Culture Lab, 4 March 2022, 4-8pm

Subaltern Speakers, Logos Open Culture’s first exhibition of 2022, will open this week. The opening is on 4 March from 4pm to 8pm at The Culture Lab, Four Seasons Centre, Lilongwe. Come and join us for a stimulating event with the artist Ella Banda.  The art exhibition will run until 18th March. Ozhopé Collective’s Subaltern […]


Logos Open Culture’s excellent publishing services now available for companies and organisations

Happy New Year from the Logos Open Culture team! In 2022, we are scaling up our publishing. Based on our experience producing excellent products, we are happy to offer to individuals, companies and organisations services in publishing, including annual reports and websites. So please contact Logos Open Culture’s Director Muti Etter-Phoya to discuss your publishing […]

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‘Making Music in Malawi’ now available at your favourite bookshop, Chambo Market

First comprehensive exploration of the meaning of music in Malawian society, past and present. Logos Open Culture’s third publication Making Music in Malawi, by John Lwanda, has hit the shelves. Making Music in Malawi is a groundbreaking contribution to the historical and sociocultural significance of sounds that make and remake Malawi. A culmination of many years of research, […]

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Tomorrow ‘Making Music in Malawi’ pre-launch with Ernest Ikwanga Unplugged at The Culture Lab

The first pre-launch event for Logos Open Culture’s next publication Making Music in Malawi, by John Lwanda, is happening tomorrow at The Culture Lab at Four Seasons in Lilongwe. The Culture Lab will host guitarist Ernest Ikwanga in an unplugged session on Friday 15 October at 7pm. Guitarist Ernest Ikwanga is a versatile instrumentalist, recording artist, charismatic […]

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A Tribute to a Great Historian and Africanist, Professor George Shepperson

Professor George “Sam” Albert Shepperson CBE (1922-2020) wrote the seminal Independent African: John Chilembwe and the Origins, Setting and Significance of the Nyasaland Native Rising 1915 (1958). This is still the most extensive work on key Malawian nationalist John Chilembwe. He organised an uprising against imperial British rule. Professor Shepperson’s Independent African was also one of the first scholarly works […]

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Two new Malawian books launched this weekend

This weekend was exciting for Malawi’s literary scene as two self-published books were launched. Former Malawian politician Khwauli Msiska launched his autobiography Beyond Chasing The Dream and entrepreneur Thokozani Kaipa launched Better Version of Yourself. Msiska’s launched his book on Saturday at Ufulu Gardens in Lilongwe. In his memoir, Msiska reflects on the importance of determination and focus in […]

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Upcoming event at The Culture Lab on lessons from the Malawian and Zambia Elections with Prof Nic Cheeseman and Golden Matonga

Book your seat for our next event at The Culture Lab on lessons from the Malawian and Zambian Elections. We will host Professor Nic Cheeseman and investigative journalist Golden Matonga for what will be a thought-provoking event. Join us on 30 September 2021 at 5.30pm at The Culture Lab at Four Seasons, Lilongwe for ‘The […]

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Social Historian John Lwanda, Author of forthcoming ‘Making Music in Malawi’ speaks with The Sunday Times

The Culture Lab hosted social historian Dr John Lwanda last month. Dr Lwanda is author of Logos Open Culture’s forthcoming book Making Music in Malawi. During the event, Dr Lwanda reflected on his groundbreaking study Kamuzu Banda of Malawi: A Study in Promise, Power and Legacy and what it means today. Most people know Dr Lwanda […]