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Book launch: ‘My Guide to Common Snakes of Malawi’ Tim Brammer & Joseph Tepani, Tuesday 18 March, 6pm, Chambo Market

Join us for the launch of Logos Open Culture’s latest publications, My guide to common snakes of Malawi and Muuni wa njoka za M’Malawi written by Tim Brammer and Joseph Tepani on Tuesday 18 March at Chambo Market Bookshop and Art Gallery, 6pm.

The new guide, available in both Chichewa and English, includes the most commonly encountered and talked about snakes in Malawi. It features 155 colour pictures, making it easy for anyone to identify Malawi’s most common snakes. The book is packed with useful information including on what to do if you get bitten by a snake.

About the authors

Tim Brammer has lived in Malawi for ten years. Reptiles have fascinated him since he was a child and so he made it his life’s mission to share his passion with otehrs through education and science He conducts herpetological research and instructs awareness courses to teach people about snakes.

Joseph Tepani was born in Zomba, Malawi. He is a dedicated school teacher who has developed a passion for reptiles. Joseph helps relocate snakes in his community and also presents courses on snake identification and first aid.